Products & Services

As the owner of a small business, you probably don't have a dedicated Human Resource manager. The responsibility for human resources may fall to someone in your business, such as your Office Manager or perhaps you handle employee matters yourself.  It may seem to make perfect sense; why pay for a resource that would sit idle?  But there are many reasons to consider insourcing HR to your business.

Focus – Are you spending too much non-productive time on employee administration matters? As a business owner, your focus should be on your core service or product.

Cost – InSource HR provides your small business with part-time or on-demand HR support so that you have the expertise you need at the lowest cost possible.

– Employment litigation is on the rise and there are over 40,000 federal and state employment codes that change frequently.  Considering that the average litigation costs a company $75,000, you cannot afford to run your business guessing how to handle complex or sensitive employee issues.

 – It is widely known that happy employees are productive and a key contributor to employee satisfaction is job fit.  InSource HR can help with the definition of job roles and responsibilities and help with selection and placement of both current and future employees based on employee skills, knowledge, abilities and interest.